Monday, November 1, 2010

The Real Love


     John was standing up at a train station, wearing a chic suit, watching people's face who were getting off the train,one after the other. In fact, he was looking for his lover, as he has loved her so much, but he never has seen her before. She told him that she will put a red rose on her dress to helps John knowing her among the people. He has known her for thirteen months. As his love has started at a public library when he chose a book to read, he attracted to the notice which was written on the book's margin. He realized that who wrote these notices is a sensitive person and has pleasantly ethics. He read her name as she donated this book to the library. He had started looking for her, until he found her name in a phone book. Since then, a warm relationship has started between them, and it has become stronger through the letters between them. Through that time, he was forced to serve at world war 2. He received a lot of letters from her which help him to stay alive. After a year, he returned to his country. He knew that she is a young woman, and he expect that she is beautiful. While he was waiting at the station, few moments passed as days. He was staring at all women's faces. Finally, he hinted at her. She was walking toward him with a slim body and beautiful blond hair. He said to himself "she seems as I imagined her, oh my god how pretty she is". Then he walked few steps toward her with a smile in his face. However, he almost fainted when she passed him, and he noticed behind her a woman at age of forty who has white hair ,and she put a red rose on her a dress. He felt disappointment because she lied on him , but he hid his feeling and decided to be nice with her as she gave him hope when he was at the war. So he greeted her and invited her politely to has lunch with him at the restaurant located on the corner. But she replied" I am not the woman whom you are waiting, actually have no idea about you and her. Before I arrived, I had met a young woman , and she is the same woman who had passed you few moments ago. She gave me a red rose, and she told me that some one will meet you. If he was nice with you tell him that I am waiting for him at the restaurant but If he is not, leave him without tell anything about me. She wanted test how nice you are. He hugged the woman and ran fast to the restaurant.
     The difficult moments in our lives can discover our manners. Not important the situation that we face but the most important thing how we are dealing with the situation that can show who we are.


  1. This is such an amazing story. You are a very creative person!

  2. You are realy amazing!! keep it up

  3. Good job Zainab
    That is such amazing story
    Keeb going
