Saturday, December 4, 2010

 Choosing Names
At last months of the pregnant period, parents are thinking a lot about choosing the convenient name for their child, and they might argue. However, it is very important to choose the right name which has a nice meaning, easy pronunciation. As the name will reflect the personality of a person. Also, the name might effect on the person life, and whose future and psychological. For example if a person carry a bad name, that might affect negatively on his/her behavior. Therefor, they might feel embarrassed about their name and try to change it in stead of proud of. Some people when Choose their kid's names . They make their decision dependence on many things such as the religion , social status for example they choose the prophets' names which make them very proud of themselves. My view point it is not fair to judge on the people dependence on their names . The name dose not make our successes ,but we do .

Saturday, November 20, 2010


      Everyone has a lot of problems in his life.   However, there are a lot of solutions which can solve our problems. No matter how the life is difficult we all can find the way. all what we need is running our brains , thinking seriously of our problems with patience. As nothing in this life we can take it easily.

     Unfortunately, some people are so weak who are guided to the wrong path.  According to  their thought  forgetting their sorrow  is an easy way to solve their problems.  As a result they resort to drugs and alcohol,  but actually it is escape from a real life for a few time until they fall into more dangerous problems. Is it wise to solve problems through bigger problem? I can not believe how they are stupid, and I am surprised that some people think the  addicts are victims.  Nothing in this  life can enforces us to addict drugs or alcohol.

     But the worst thing about them the effect of the addicting not only limited by their life but also destroy their communities, as when they under the effect of drugs they can do all kinds of violent behaviors such us steal, rape and kill.  Therefore, the committing crimes increase .  I am wondering when will the governments over the world  start serious steps to prevent it ?

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Real Love


     John was standing up at a train station, wearing a chic suit, watching people's face who were getting off the train,one after the other. In fact, he was looking for his lover, as he has loved her so much, but he never has seen her before. She told him that she will put a red rose on her dress to helps John knowing her among the people. He has known her for thirteen months. As his love has started at a public library when he chose a book to read, he attracted to the notice which was written on the book's margin. He realized that who wrote these notices is a sensitive person and has pleasantly ethics. He read her name as she donated this book to the library. He had started looking for her, until he found her name in a phone book. Since then, a warm relationship has started between them, and it has become stronger through the letters between them. Through that time, he was forced to serve at world war 2. He received a lot of letters from her which help him to stay alive. After a year, he returned to his country. He knew that she is a young woman, and he expect that she is beautiful. While he was waiting at the station, few moments passed as days. He was staring at all women's faces. Finally, he hinted at her. She was walking toward him with a slim body and beautiful blond hair. He said to himself "she seems as I imagined her, oh my god how pretty she is". Then he walked few steps toward her with a smile in his face. However, he almost fainted when she passed him, and he noticed behind her a woman at age of forty who has white hair ,and she put a red rose on her a dress. He felt disappointment because she lied on him , but he hid his feeling and decided to be nice with her as she gave him hope when he was at the war. So he greeted her and invited her politely to has lunch with him at the restaurant located on the corner. But she replied" I am not the woman whom you are waiting, actually have no idea about you and her. Before I arrived, I had met a young woman , and she is the same woman who had passed you few moments ago. She gave me a red rose, and she told me that some one will meet you. If he was nice with you tell him that I am waiting for him at the restaurant but If he is not, leave him without tell anything about me. She wanted test how nice you are. He hugged the woman and ran fast to the restaurant.
     The difficult moments in our lives can discover our manners. Not important the situation that we face but the most important thing how we are dealing with the situation that can show who we are.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


The ceremonies of weddings over the world

     Every country has a different ceremony of wedding .Wedding is one of occasion that express about joy and happiness. Although that the causes of weddings are same around the world. But every country has a unique ritual which features each nation  on  other. The following examples express some difference of  the weddings .

      In India, at the wedding day , the couple sit around a sacred fire . Then the groom hold  his wife's hand .After that, they revolve around the fire seven times. The seven rounds symbolize to seven promises which: are happiness, a long life , strength, a good  health , faithfulness ,confidence and the seventh promise is to keep on the six promises .


      In Greek, The weddings characterized with packages of nut that is distributed on guests .Each package of nut contains five pieces of nut that are covered by suger and caramel ,and they are covered with cloth of tulle . The packages of nut are distributed as  each one of invitee gets  one package. The five nut symbolize to five things that the couple have wished them continue  forever. These things are happiness, a good life , wealth, a long life, and getting children .  In conclusion, these are Just two examples express the variances of weddings among  the world nations .

Thursday, October 14, 2010


             The Effect of Food on Mood

     The kinds of food effect on human's temper. As there is connection between the method of eating food and mental state. People when feel bleakness , boredom , depression or stress, they resort to repast food that them feel happy. So have you ever asked your self about the food that assists to make you feel better?
     Food that you choose to eat can influence on your mood through increase or decrease the quantity of hormone serotonin that responsible about feeling of happiness . Studies have proved that eating protien and  fat at night causes to disturbance the sleep and have annoying mood that resultant the effect these kinds of food on decrease hormone Serotonin. There is a lot of food that increase spirits such as fish , chocolate , food that contain vitamin B or D , and the food that has high amount of starches.

     Eating fish that full of fatty acid ( omega 3) helps to get rid of the depression through influence scattered neural signals between the brain's s cells . These acids present in salmon and sardines.

     Chocolate is one of the most food to help raise morale that because it has high sugar which raise the level of measure in the brain.

Vitamin D
     Studing up to the sun three days a week for 15 minute help to aquire the vitamin D and that help to morale . it is found in the following food : fish and milk.

Food full of carbohydrates
      Food full of carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, pastry and potatoes increase the level of serotonin in the brain.

Food contain vitamin B
     Food full of carbohydrates such as eggs ,bananas ,dairy products , fish and an avocado.
In conclusion, the effect of food on mental  state lies in its effect on the glands and hormones that control the human psychological.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Be My Friend


        Have you ever asked  your self  what is the meaning of friendship ? maybe you have seen people enjoying thier time,have dinner togather ,go to the theater or laugh. And you thaught these people are close friends . in fact ,all these thing dosen't matter.

       Friendship has adeep meaning . It is a strong relationship between two people or more which it based on participation of sadness and happiness. and they are similar in their perespetive and complete each other . Also it indicates to self-sacrifice, forgiving , coopeartion and sharing in health and illness. A close friend will  share every moment in his/ her life with you and look after you .If you do somthing wrong, he 'll give you advice and encrouge you to do the right things. And his heart is open for you. He can understand your feeling and your thought without  you need to say any ward.
        So If you want to know who your friend is. Just close your eyes, get your memebrance back, and think about everytime you have felt happy . Who has shared  you  your happiness?
every time you fell in trouble .Who was helping  ,and leading you to a right path .
If you can see her or him . you are a lucky person and you must cling his/her friendship.

Monday, September 27, 2010


        I am going to itroduce myself. I am from Saudi Arabia. My hometown located in  the esat of Saudi Arabia . It is a wonderful city called Siahat . I have a big family . six brothers and three sisters. I am in the middel of my family. My busband and I have been in Calgary since April . We are here to achieve our embiton. I have dream one day I will be scientist. Now I am a student at University of Calgary in EAP 1. So I am in the frist step of me dream . I have hacholer's degree in Zoology ,and I am planning to acquire master's degree in Canada. So I have to work very hard , and I am ready to do my best. Howover, I am very exciting to get a new experience through living  in a developed country like Canada which has different culture and prodigious wievs. I have been enguying every moments I have spent here.  I have already gotten friends from china ,and I interest to make friendships with people who have different culture. I am looking forward the future with a big smile . I hope that will be a bright and successful future for everyone.