Everyone has a lot of problems in his life. However, there are a lot of solutions which can solve our problems. No matter how the life is difficult we all can find the way. all what we need is running our brains , thinking seriously of our problems with patience. As nothing in this life we can take it easily.
Unfortunately, some people are so weak who are guided to the wrong path. According to their thought forgetting their sorrow is an easy way to solve their problems. As a result they resort to drugs and alcohol, but actually it is escape from a real life for a few time until they fall into more dangerous problems. Is it wise to solve problems through bigger problem? I can not believe how they are stupid, and I am surprised that some people think the addicts are victims. Nothing in this life can enforces us to addict drugs or alcohol.
But the worst thing about them the effect of the addicting not only limited by their life but also destroy their communities, as when they under the effect of drugs they can do all kinds of violent behaviors such us steal, rape and kill. Therefore, the committing crimes increase . I am wondering when will the governments over the world start serious steps to prevent it ?
I can see that you really learned a lot during this unit in class! Good for you!